...upcycle x

Annie Sloane Chalk Paint...
Friday 1st August, 2014
I have always had a passion for the vintage look, and love to watch TV programmes and pour through various magazines on how the look can be achieved. I really fancied getting an old pine dresser for my kitchen but they were all far too expensive.

Well one lunch time I popped out of the office to pick up some heel balm and a sandwich and returned with a "dresser" that I purchased from the charity shop. It was very dark pine in colour but I had grand ideas for this dresser, I was going to transform it beyond recognition.

I had done my homework on the web and decided I would buy some Annie Sloane Chalk paint. So on Saturday morning drove to Mumbles to purchase the paint. I decided on "Old White" and also bought the Annie Sloan wax to finish off.

The next day I started my project. The good thing about this paint is that you do not need to prepare the surface beforehand, you paint directly on to the item you are renovating. To be honest I was a bit disappointed after the first coat, it looked as if I had slapped on undercoat. My sister, an expert on these things reassured me that after a few coats it would look fine. The paint is very thick and needed a fair bit of water added to it, but after the third coat it looked as how I expected it to look. When the paint was thoroughly dry I then waxed it all over to protect the surface. I wanted a distressed look so used a kitchen scourer (the ones with the sponge on the bottom and green on the top) and started rubbing down the corners and other parts of the dresser. I then waxed these bits again and Ta Dah!! Finished product.

I have a lovely old Royal Albert Tea set that I put on the shelves and added a few other knickknacks and I must admit it looks absolutely beautiful taking pride of place in my kitchen. I can't stop looking at it and I am planning on my next project.

Aly xxx