Meet Stacey...

Stacey in Oz

Stacey is whose bubbly and enthusiastic Welsh voice is behind this unique and wonderful blog, unless posted by a guest blogger. Stacey loves everything from crocheting granny square blankets, to traveling, reading, crafts, listening to music, watching bands live and much much more.

Stacey enjoys these other wonderful ladies blogs & sites...

Here are some perfect examples of the one's she loves;

Rosie is a fascinating, talented writer & poet who Grant & I met when traveling through New Zealand. It is a privilege to have met and got to know such a young and beautiful human being such as Rosie.Please be sure to check out her amazing blog by clicking on the link below;
Another amazingly talented friend of mine & Grant's is the wonderful, Chessie Henri, who we also met when traveling in New Zealand. Chessie's family actually kindly took us in to their beautiful home and looked after us during our last months in New Zealand. A family we treasure every moment spent with. Please be sure to check out Chessie's glorious blog by clicking on the link below;

Fave posts by other bloggers...

Stacey's fave places...

Fave bands...
  • Blisses B
  • Smashing Pumpkins
  • Little Dragon
  • Nao
  • Incubus
  • Deftones
  • London Grammar

Stacey's Bucket List...

Stacey loves a good old photo...

Stacey writing in her journal in Thailand

My two little kitty cats; Kauri on left and Kiwi on right.
My fave pic of all time, love black and white pics x