...set New Years Resolutions, Edition #2

...set New Years Resolutions, Edition #2
Friday 2nd January, 2015
Happy New Year to you all! I hope you have all had a lush Christmas! I do apologise for not sticking to my promise and publishing Edition #2 until the 2nd January. Not that I'm making up an excuse but it was Grant's birthday yesterday and I had a fab idea to go out and buy stuff to do a Frozen themed party for him. Not with princess' Anna and Elsa, I mean Oaken and Olaf from the film. Tried to keep it as manly as possible. To my surprise it turned out really well, everyone seemed to have loved the bits I'd done around the house for it. Like my handmade shop sign in the photo below, like the one in the film, and my little party bags for everyone to build their own snowman. So, happy days!

My fake snowy hallway & Olaf greeting Grant's party guests
with 'Do you want to build a Snowman' party bags lol!
Birthday boy! Grant with his handmade Olaf Snowman!

If you've seen Frozen, do you think Grant looks like Oaken? The guy who works in the little shop? I made him put on a similar jumper and a pair of braces for his party and asked that everyone wore a jumper to go along with the theme lol.

Everyone's 'Do you want to build a snowman?' end results,
with real Olaf toy on right.

I'm not sure if any of you have set a New Year's resolution, but mine is to learn the Welsh National Anthem. Every time we attend a Devil's hockey game, they always sing the anthem, and I'm so jealous of the people who know it and belt it out. I'd love to be able to do that too!

Last year, we were at my sister & brother in law's, (Emma & Sean's) New Years Eve party and after the clock struck midnight everyone started singing the Auld Lang Syne song, so last year I set out to learn that song. I left it until the Christmas holidays to learn the lyrics but I literally had run out of time. I attempted to learn it at my parents house with just two hours to go until midnight, but failed as Google's search results for the lyrics didn't match any of the actual songs I managed to find on You Tube. So this year, I'm going to set out to learn the Welsh National Anthem early in the year.

I hope that this time next year I can tell you all it was a success. I think I may have even motivated some family members to learn the same thing, so hopefully they will have learnt it too!

We have two amazing blog posts for you to start 2015 with. Both jam packed with motivation to get us into the spirit of doing the things we say we're going to do in the New Year. Plus a little something from me.

Ladies who... are gardeners
We have the wonderful Catherine with her Gardening post packed with amazing tips to start us off with our gardening in the New Year. I'm Catherine's biggest fan at the moment, as I have been meaning to get out in to my garden to give it some life, as it's bare at present. Grant bless him, has done heaps of work on it since we moved in, but it's no where near done. So thanks to Catherine, maybe 2015 will be my year to finally get my hands dirty!

I'd like to welcome Diane. Diane has written a piece to inspire us all to kick start our year and talks eating healthy with us. Be sure to check out her page; Ladies who... lose weight with Slimming World. It's her first ever blog post. She has done an amazing job motivating me to get back to class. I will be joining back with her asap. I hope you all enjoy her story as much as I did.

Hope you enjoy!