...are homemakers

Our home x

Confessions of a slobaholic part 2...
Sunday 5th January 2014
OK, so I've confessed to my diet not going so good what so ever over the Christmas holiday. What also didn't happen was house work. I haven't washed one dish, dusted, done any washing, not hoovered...nada. I actually caught myself brushing my teeth this morning looking around at the dirty bathroom. I couldn't bring myself to waste one second worrying about having to do any of the above mentioned chores. I actually cannot wait to get started. Not that I have the slightest idea where I will start but I'm looking forward to having a nice clean and tidy house again. I'm tempted to have a good sort through everything at the same time too, try to De-clutter every room. Get everything back into it's right place, as we have been decorating too and there are things still in other rooms. A fresh clean start to the year. I'm hoping I'm not the only one who's been like this over the Christmas holiday?! Anyone want to join me in confessing?! lol. Happy cleaning, if you're going to be starting tomorrow.
For Confessions of a slobaholic, part one, please visit page; Ladies who...are on diets

Sunday 10th march
Last week I actually pulled all the kitchen accessories from off the kitchen worktops and cleaned behind everything instead of cleaning around it. It was almost as though I could feel the presence of the crumbs and the rubbish behind the microwave and behind the recipe books and the mixer, I just had to get to it and clean it! I will confess I hadn't done it since we moved the stuff into the kitchen! Once it was all cleaned, I moved everything back but had forgotten where everything's place was so ended up putting everything back in a new place which was actually refreshing. The kitchen was clean, I felt like the pressure was off knowing the secret places where crumbs got to was free of mess and it looked new. Mission complete!

Sunday 9th December, 2012
Ever day dream whilst in work that you could be doing a thousand house hold chores?!? Ever get home in enough time to do those one thousand chores and think - I can't be bothered?!

I found myself sat in the house today wanting to carry out some house duties but couldn't bring myself to get up and start. If I had a clue of where to start I maybe would have began, but with a million things on my mind, I just didn't know where to start - so didn't! I think I managed to put a load of washing in, and took out the recycling. I wanted to break away, get out of the house, and now I'm out - I actually, quite sadly want to be in the house cleaning.

Do you have to be in one of those moods to carry out cleaning duties?! If I'm in the zone (which I never usually am) I am unstoppable! But I get quite down when I'm sat in the house watching TV knowing there are things to be done around the house!

Ugh, how boring do I sound - moaning about house work?! Better hop to it, before the week starts...then I definitely wont get round to doing it!

Wonder how long it will take me to get round to sorting out the draws that I shove everything in from time to time when I see things on the side that need to be not seen! Every time I open the set of draws in the hall and in the kitchen, I stop and think - I should take this draw out and sort the items in it. But that NEVER actually takes place.

Stacey x

Homemaker magazine competition...
Monday 14th July, 2014
I came across my 500 word submission for the Homemaker Magazine competition, so I thought I would share it with you...

Pulling up at the house with its mountainous views, its neatly trimmed lawn, jam packed hanging baskets and side garage keeping it company, unlocking the front door with our slate number ‘32' Grant bought us as a completion gift, reminds me of our first day the house was ours. Stepping inside, where I'm warmly greeted by sleepy eyed, stretching cats is the most welcoming feeling and excites me to be arriving home.

We promised ourselves that it's not the house we move into, it's the contents that we own that will make it our home, and from the moment we unpacked our belongings from cardboard boxes and gave things their place in the house we realised, we're home.

Our living room is where we spend most of our time with friends and family who visit. It's the panoramic travel and wedding photos hanging proudly on each of the walls and sinking into one of three of the most comfortable chairs we have the privilege of owning; our sofa that was handed down from family which is now draped in beige throws to give it that cottage look, with its granny square blanket we bought from New Zealand hanging over the back, the brown leather man chair my husband so desperately wanted off eBay along with the retro orange comfy chair that was once my Nan and Bampis, that make up the coziest living room we could ever wish for.

After curiously looking round our home to investigate to help me explain what it is that makes me feel the way I do about our home, helped me realise how much stuff we've made ourselves.

Take the bookcase my dad handmade back in school for example. I revamped it with a lick of paint and now it homes all my favorite reads, and the drift wood beach names my husband hand made for each of our wedding tables.

In every room you'll find wooden carvings such as our Angkor Watt ornament from Cambodia and a hand carved wooden turtle from Fiji we committed ourselves to carrying half way round the world on our world tour for when we finally got our own place to show them off in. You'll also find my handmade hessian cork board with money notes we collected from each of the countries we visited pinned to it.

Into the open kitchen and dining room where Julia Child's and Marian Keys cook books lean either side of our microwave with pages stuck together and the crammed cupboards with our favorite foods and drinks.

Even the garden has its own life. It's coming together bit by bit. After working very hard at Cardiff Golf Club through the week and at weekends, my husband still comes home to attend to our garden that was completely overgrown, where now railway sleepers, a vegetable and herb patch, a Buddha and the bushes we'd dug up from grants late Bampi's garden now live.

Everything including us has its place within our home.