...attempt to bake

Ingredients to bake brownie; mmmMMM!!!

Julie & Julia...
Before I go on, I have a question for you, have you seen the film Julie and Julia starring Meryl Streep? For those of you who answer yes, don’t you just adore it? For those of you who haven’t yet seen it…tut tut tut…watch it ASAP. I loved it so much I put Julia Child's cook book from the film on my Christmas list. It sits proudly in my kitchen and to this date I have only made her Boeuf Bourguignon...twice! It took roughly three or four hours to cook, but it was so unbelievably worth the wait. 

Burger Birthday Cake...
Thursday 21st August, 2014
We were away traveling for Grant's 21st birthday, so I knew I had to make it special, as we weren't going to be spending it with close friends or family. So all the staff at the place where we worked got together and we celebrated Grant's 21st birthday with a McDonald's themed party. Everyone had to wear red and yellow and I drove 45 minutes to the nearest town to buy everyone's order of McDonald's. To top it off I planned to bake Grant a huge burger cake. And look how well it turned out...

Grant's 21st Burger Birthday Cake
What do you all think? The green bits were supposed to have been lettuce?! I simply baked three sponges, but added cocoa powder to one to make it look like the burger. I was really chuffed with it. The best idea I've ever had when it comes to baking. Here he is tucking into a bite...

Burger Birthday Cake