...diet & work out

Me, looking as though I'm running, but doing
the Peter Kay impression of a dad's run LOL. Sooo glad our 4 year old nephew Joel wanted to join us so I'd have the excuse to run with him haha x

Ok, so I feel like I have to explain this photo; This is me in New Zealand, South Island in Wanaka feasting on THEE BIGGEST BURGER EVER called - The Furg Burger! It's the most popular burger place in town, we couldn't resist.

Holiday belly...
Friday 10th October 2014
After twelve days in France, twelve days of eating croissants, crisps, chocolate, biscuits and dining out a few times, I have done the dreaded thing of getting on the scales. The day after arriving back home I was getting dressed for work and to my horror my trousers were so tight on me. I actually thought I wasn't going to be able to zip them up. I did, but during work I bent down to pick something up from off the floor...how I didn't rip them I don't know?!? I'm still in a little bit of a holiday mode when it comes to eating as we haven't yet had time to do a food shop. I'm on the look out for vouchers to get half price off the joining fee for Slimming World as I'd love to go back to class for a few months just to get back down to where I left off with them. I'm now very nervous about the 13 stone mark, I'm 12.13!!! Before I left for holiday I weighed in at 12.10 so it's not that bad. When I left Slimming Word back in May I was 11.6, so I have a long way to go. We have a wedding in December too so that's my next target. I did find a lush dress that I was so tempted to get in a size 10 again, like the Laura Ashley one for Sean and Emma's wedding, but I couldn't bring myself to. I'm not going to put any pressure on this time. Let's see how I get on when I join hopefully next Thursday. Will keep you updated.

Uncontrollably eating has come to a stop...
Thursday 18th September
It's been two weeks since I last wrote a post about my eating habits and thank god I can actually confirm I have stopped eating uncontrollably, thank goodness! I was quite worried about me not being able to stop. So, I have one week exactly until we go to France to watch the surfing competition, and I still am no where near being the weight I've been dreaming of being. I tried on swim suits the other evening whilst out clothes shopping for the holiday, and oh my goodness, it wasn't a very nice site I must say! LOL. I have to come to terms with the fact that I will have to go in the sea fully clothed haha. I have been on the look out for tankini tops and short board shorts to wear to feel comfortable when surrounded by tons of hot surfers and surfer chicks. When I get back from holiday though, it's back to Slimming World, as I simply cannot put on any more weight. What's with the struggles of weight and what we eat?! It sucks. I can't wait to get back on track and to feel nice again. 

Uncontrollably eating...
Thursday 4th September
The past few weeks have been shameful. I was eating uncontrollably, and I have never been like that in my entire life! I honestly do not know what came over me. I now know what people mean when they say it was almost like they were possessed by something :-s
After finishing work one day last week, I made my way over to Curves to do my work out, and I found myself eating a packet of crisps whilst driving there!?!? I mean, come on, things were getting just ridiculous. I found myself in Tesco one day buying some food for dinner and I found myself looking at the chocolate bar counter, purchased the deal where you get three bars for one pound twenty. By the time I got home...I'm ashamed to admit this, but yes, they had all been demolished!!!
I had stopped going to Slimming World roughly a month before Sean and Emma's wedding in June as I thought it'd be a good idea to join the gym to tone up and that it was a good way of maybe losing a nice amount in a faster way. And plus, I can't afford to attend both gym and slimming class so I chose to pay for one or the other at any one given time.
Since I last weighed with Slimming world which was in May, I have gained one stone and three pounds!!! I can feel it in my work trousers...they're so tight, that when I sit down my belly hangs over the top of them. It's not good. I'm so anxious that I'm going to be walking down the street one day and my top is going to raise up leaving my belly peeping out a little, like some men you see walking around with their beer bellies and tight t-shirts on, ugh!?!?!? It's my worst nightmare.
I have been attempting to find my way out of this god awful eating habit I've found myself in. I dug out my Slimming World magazines and took them to work to read on my lunch breaks. I've started buying more fruit, as I talked myself into thinking I was too poor to afford to buy fruit, yet I managed to purchase bags of crisps and chocolate on a regular basis, I then realised; B.S am I poor!
I visited the Slimming World site today to see if there was anything to inspire me on there. There was one page on there that explains flexible syns. It actually made sense to me. And the way I look at it is, if I go back to tracking my syns, and I know I can as I used to do it religiously, if I have a bad day and track the syns, it will probably help me in the way that I will have to think about being good afterwards to help make up for being bad. Where as, at the moment, I'm not tracking what so ever, and when I think I've been bad, (but probably not at all that bad) I'm hard on myself, I think I can't do the diet, and I give up...resulting in me gaining a stone and three pounds!!!
So, as of today, I have started to track my syns and what I'm eating. It's my last week with Curves, so am tempted to pay to go to the gym for the next few weeks to see if that helps burn off some of the fat. Two weeks and a few days left to go until France, I know I'm not going to lose my stone in that amount of time, but it's the attempt that will make me feel a lot better.

Wednesday 2nd July
THE DRESS DONE UP!!! On the morning of Sean and Emma's wedding, I fitted into the dress. Hallelujah!!! I done the total opposite to what should have been done the week before the wedding - I ate chocolate, crisps, you name it, I ate it!!! But thank God, the dress done up...and I have proof lol;

Now, for my next challenge; France!!! We go away for two weeks at the end of September to watch the Surfing Competition that's being held in Hossogor. And I simply cannot allow myself to be seen in a bikini looking like a beach whale with tons of teeny tiny surfer chicks waltzing around the beach lol. Gym; here I come for round #2! That's all I have to do now is get out of holiday mode, stop scoffing crisps and chocolate and get back in to a routine of healthy eating....right after I finish my Walkers Salt & Vinegar crisps hehe xxx

Tuesday 24th June
This blog post is not going to surprise many of you..but by day 4 of the diet, yes thats right, i cracked and punished a doughnut at my cousins house with a cuppa. The following day i continued to scoff the probiotic yoghurt by the tub. Had oats for breakfast, a salad for lunch and more vegetables with meat in the evening so didn't feel too bad. but then saturday came...sarah and myself had ourselves a little treat, an afternoon tea at The Front Room Vintage Cafe in Caerphilly. i weighed in the morning  but to my horror had only lost a pound. i do apologise for those of you who may have been in hope that i would lose more, but i really do think it was because i used uncle bens microwavable brown rice and was eating a thick and creamy probiotic yoghurt. it didn't say to go for a low fat one, so went for a nice looking expensive one that i knew would taste nicer than the one i used to have to force down. And plus, the doughnut and afternoon tea didn't help.

saturday morning i got myself down to Tesco with the dress i bought for sean and emmas wedding and tried on one of those thin netted bras, which thank god helped me be able to fit into the dress!!! yipee!!!

i'm typing this as we are away in Tenby on a little holiday before the wedding this saturday. We have been to the shops to get berries, strawberries and melon for breakfast every morning. so, fingers crossed i will be able to avoid my mother in-laws stack of chocolates and go for the healthier option...or i may just have the odd piece of chocolate...hehe xxx p.s some of my capital letters wont work on this ipad keyboard, don't think i'm being lazy lol x

Wednesday 18th June
Day #3 and I'm starting to want to give up. I think it's because I associate Wednesdays with going to the cinema and maltesers, and plus I've just seen an advert for them on TV. My day consisted of porridge oats, :-s

Lunch was tuna, brown rice and a boiled egg salad and dinner was fried chicken with oh my god; cabbage, a whole courgette and half an onion with a tin of tomatoes!!! In between I've been scoffing down tuba of pro biotic yogurt, which I've come to think isn't good for me, as I studied the fat content in each tub. I'm praying that I've got the correct ones...I bought 4 huge tubs of them lol. I've kind of got a confession too, I have been waking up like it's Christmas morning in excitement to see if I've lost anything and have been weighing every morning and it hasn't been the results I was hoping for. But I'm not going to disclose that kind of information to you until Friday!!! Here's hoping that I make it till Friday!!!

Tuesday 17th June
My first day went well. Wasn't hungry in the morning like I usually am. Ate little and often with the probiotic natural yoghurt. It was so tasty. In the evening I had chicken with fried strips of vegetables, sorry, I was in a rush and forgot to take a pic. This mornings breakfast is not so exciting as yesterdays breaky! Porridge oats with water!!! Its minging!!! But I'm plodding away at it! Got my boiled eggs on the go for lunch. Happy dieting :-)

Breakfast got me through till roughly 11.30 when I started feeling hungry. 12 noon soon came and I had a lush boiled egg, brown rice and tuna salad and had two little pots of probiotic yoghurt throughout the day which I have actually come to like a lot. I guess it's because it's the only dessert type treat I can have.

I managed to go to the gym and done a light workout, then it was home to cook gammon with a side of dry coleslaw :-( and salad. I was soooo tempted to forget I'm following this diet and serve myself some of Grants coleslaw which was made with mayo...but I didn't! I was quite proud! Bring on day 3!!! :-)

Monday 16th June

With less than just two weeks until Sean and Emma's wedding, I am on a mission! I found the five day diet that I done for Hayleys wedding four years ago where you lose a stone in five days!!! It worked before so I'm going to try it again, but for two weeks this time :-)

Here's the link to the diet;


Let the diet begin...

 This is my weight as of 8am on Monday 16th June!

 My first breakfast; fried egg and bacon :-)

Lunch; Tuna salad with no dressing :-(

Will be logging my food diary on here, so watch this space...will see what the results are Friday! :-s

January 5th (sunday) 2014! Happy new year everyone!
Confessions of a slobaholic part 1
I have a confession...I'm a slobaholic. I've been a slob over the Christmas holiday. I've actually enjoyed it too in a way. No where to be, not leaving the sofa some days or changing out of my pj's, not worrying about what's for dinner like I would normally think about whilst in work, not doing the dishes, not doing much washing, not having to rush around and stress over plans. I'm not looking forward to the roller coaster ride that's about to start as of tomorrow morning. I've eaten everything and anything and know as of tomorrow it's back to lettuce leaves and measuring out my milk as I'm  on Slimming World. I have only a few weeks left of my 12 week membership and want to make the most of it. Before the Christmas period I managed to lose every week for a good 7 weeks, getting me down from 12.10 to 12.2, but with two weeks of being off work and off my Slimming World plan I gained 2.5 lbs. I now plan to get on the bike and start running, to help me get to my ultimate goal of getting to my old self, 10 stone. I do have two aims, the first one being Sean and Emma's wedding in June, to fit into a size 10 dress I purchased from Laura Ashley in a sale a few months back and the second, to get fit for The Men's Health Survival of the Fittest Obstacle Course I've signed up to do in September. Not sure why I couldn't get into the swing of things as of the 1st, for some reason I had to make sure all the chocolates and pate were eaten. But here's to a new year, a new start to my diet and work out plans. Good luck if any of you are planning to do the same.
For Confessions of a slobaholic part 2, please visit page; Ladies who...are house proud

Thursday 1st August
I LOST 2.5lbs!!!!! Woop woop. I'm a teeny bit gutted as I'd weighed at home on the scales I've been weighing on for months and it said I'd lost 4. But at least its a loss! Roll on next week lol x

Wednesday 31st July.
And I'm still the same weight as I was how many months ago was it? OMG, I just checked, since last October and I've stayed the same. I went away two weeks ago and had to wear my bikini on the beach which was horrific. My flabby belly hanging out and wobbling all over the shop. I was gutted, ha...get it?! Lol x sorry.

Ok, so I decided it was time to just pay slimming world so I'd be set to actually lose the weight. I've got my first weighing tomorrow, it's been a week. It's not been that bad, I've tracked everything I've eaten, which I know is the key to success. I've had to eat just a little more in the mornings as 25g of bran flakes doesn't come anywhere near to filling me up, so have made scrambled eggs and beans on toast, and it done the trick. Come half 10, 11am I wasn't starving. I even counted a teaspoon of mint sauce I had on my cooked dinner I'm that determined to track. So, click back on the site tomorrow where I'll be sharing how I get on...eeek, can't wait!!! I must shift this weight...I bought a size 10 dress for next June for my brother in laws wedding, so have to lose it otherwise Grant will go nuts after spending quite a bit on the dress LOL x wish me luck :-s

Wednesday 22nd May - Evening
Ok, so since I posted my blog this afternoon I've made my decision with a little lecture from Grant, who's been dieting (drinking a smoothie for breakfast and lunch and only eating a main meal and has lost 2 stone in one month, so now thinks he can lecture me about dieting lol x bless him)...we've set a weight loss target for me to reach by August 12th, which I'm classing from this Monday just gone is 12 weeks away, and have set a goal of 3.5lbs per week! Which will mean me losing my 3 stone and getting to the weight I'd set myself to reach as a New Years resolution and am still no where near, since the beginning of the year! So, weighing in at 12.11, with 3 stone to go, in 3 months, here we go! Wish me luck! X

Wednesday 22nd May- Afternoon
So, it's been an additional 17 weeks worth of tracking my weight, without fail, weighing every Monday morning and that hand on the scale has not budged! I have been paying to go to the gym now for months and that hasn't helped with a loss either! I have been seriously considering cancelling my gym membership and joining Slimming World, but have my doubts about the cost! Does anyone else have a problem, to avoid paying the weekly fees of a slimming class?! Or am I the only one? Lol x in the meantime of me deciding what I want to do I will continue with attempting to eat along the lines of the Slimming World diet plan, but who knows if it will make a noticeable difference! Until next time, happy Slimming! X

Saturday 2nd March
OK, So this week (Monday) I weighed and only went and stayed the god damn same didn't I?! I went off track a little this week with my eating as we have been a little skint and have been making the most of the food we had in the house. This week was payday so am able to go out and buy stuff for the week and hopefully get back on track. Might I add though, we attended my sister in-laws mums birthday party last-night and I had to have a slice of the birthday cake - it was thee biggest cake ever...there were two!!! I'm so glad I did take a slice for the road as it was thee most delicious slice of cake I have ever eaten. Now that I've got that out of my system, I can focus again! On Monday I'm praying I've stayed the same so I don't have to catch up lol. Will be updating as soon as I get chance.

Thursday 20th February
I know I'm late submitting my blog for this weeks weight update, just a short and sweet blog post. Thought I would have put on maybe half a pound this Monday when weighing, we had pancake day, valentines day and I also had a birthday party with a buffet on the weekend. But, to my surprise  I stayed the same!!! I've been back on it this week. Please girls, if you are going through a weight loss journey, leave comments and let me in on your secrets and advice. Happy dieting!!! xx

Tuesday 11th February 2013. In the zone...
It's been a while I know. I haven't really had much access to the internet and have been concentrating on reaching one of my targets I set as a new years resolution - lose weight. I knew if I said about it in a blog I would probably have gone off the rails and I couldn't face confessing that I hadn't stuck to it. So, the good news is, I'm on the right track, I'm in the zone. I've been waiting a while to get in the zone and I finally made it. I've been excited to share with you some of the situations I've found myself in which made me realise that I am in the zone. Take a look below at the battles I have won lol...

...The Hot Dog Battle
Being at a Cardiff Devils hockey match is one of the most exciting places to be. The next exciting thing is 'The Hot Dog.' I love my hotdogs, I love the buns, the sausage and most of all, love squirting my ketchup and the mustard in a neat wavey line to make it look like the advertisment posters on the wall. We attended a match last weekend and Grant had to go and get drinks, so I offered to start queing for his hotdog. I prepared before coming out that evening that people would be eating snacks and hotdogs, so I brought as exciting as this sounds, a banana! That was me being sarcastic by the way. Waiting in the que, I will admit I did have visions of me giving in and ordering two, but noticed that Grant had finished queing for drinks, so I asked him to take over waiting in line for the hot dog, as I couldn't bare knowing at the end of the line I was not the one going to be enjoying one. He laughed at me and said no, knowing full well that it was torture for me. I battled through it, got to the front of the line and ordered one. One battle conquered.

...The Chocolate Biscuits Battle

My next battle was being in work with chocolate biscuits present. We had a new lady start voluntary work with us and on her first day brought in a huge tub of chocolate biscuits. I heared the music from jaws playing round in my head. I confess that I would have before gone straight in for one or two, but oh no, I actually said no to them! What made it worse was that she opened them infront of me and I could smell the chocolate on them and could taste the chocolate! But I didn't give in - and that is not like me!

...KFC Battle

Next was Grant's toe op, after picking him up I wanted to treat him and I had also prepared for the unbearable visit to KFC!!! I made my salad and packed a few grapes to get me through. Grant sat there scoffing his crispy coated chicken whilst I sat there enjoying picking at my grapes. Yum! Another battle won!

...McDonalds Battle
The McDonalds challenge. After playing a few games of bowling and playing on arcade games for the evening with some friends we decide to call it a night. Walking out of Bowlplex and straight into McDonalds! I did fear of how I'd get through this without ordering anything as I knew I'd used up all my syns (on slimming world) so walked in, waited for them to order and when asked if I wanted anything I simply said no. I cannot believe it!

So, there we have it! My first few battles are over. I am now on the right track, I've my weight loss goals set and I'm heading in the right direction.

First Goal hit!
Remember in my first blog I said I wanted to get to 12.9 to have lost one stone! Well I got there this week! Weighed on Monday and I had actually lost 2lbs which means I dropped below my goal weight. I am now 12.8!!! Woop woop! This week I want a 1 lb loss! Let's wait and see!

Wednesday 28th November
I'm playing my worlds most tiniest violin to myself...I put on a pound this week...and after not being very well this week I thought I'd be a stone lighter. I've been thinking a lot to myself lately, I really want to run off my weight, but going out in the cold just makes my chest bad...so that's been my excuse. I've been tempted to go to the gym to use their running machines but for some reason, I couldn't possibly think of why I haven't actually entered the building. But when I get myself to Zumba - I do work my butt off. It's fun, easy to pick up the moves and the music is fab! So hopefully if I cut out the crap this week I can shed some pounds! Here's hoping!!! x

Wednesday 21st November
Ok, so Monday just gone, I weighed and I must say I was not well over the weekend so I'm not reaping the rewards, as I was not good at all, but I did lose a few pounds, but not due to dieting what's so ever! This week, I have not been on it at all as I have not been feeling the best, so - back on it next week!

Girls, you're leaving me hanging by the way - please send in your journeys on losing those love handles!

Thursday 15th November - This post is dedicated to 'Thee mamma!'
Gee, I've actually just noticed the date that I last posted a blog. Sorry for not signing in and keeping you updated. I was away this weekend at the Vale with friends on a spa break so didn't get to weigh on my traditional weigh day - Monday! So therefore, this week I feel lost. I will admit - I have eaten nearly an entire pack of mini biscuits my brothers girlfriend brought back from Holland. Yes, that's right - I am a greedy cow.  But - that's where that changes and brings me to the next part of my story...

Slimming World's Miss Slinky Competition.
Tonight, I knew mum was attending her weekly slimming world class and had been nominated in a competition called the 'miss slinky competition.' This was for inspiring other women as she'd lost so much weight. Mum and 5 others all had to get up and give a speech on what it meant to them to have lost their weight. I wanted to suprise mum bu turning up to support her with giving her speech. So, I attended and she done a brilliant job! There were a few tears and it did get rather emotional as you could tell how much it means to each individual about their own losses. The teacher was amazing at what she done and how she spoke to her clients showed truely how much passion she has to help people get to their goal weight. At the end of the class, (I'd like to start a drum roll please; drumming...............................................................)
MUM WON THE MISS SLINKY COMPETITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know about you lot, but this 100% inspired me. You know what she said...
She used to get out of breath walking up the hills in the village and now after losing 4 stone 5 pounds she has much more energy and can now walk up those hills!!! and if I can do it, so can everyone else!!!
Please send us your stories of any weight loss achievements you've gained. We're all in this together...

Monday 29th October
Ok, so I haven't been online until now to be able to post my latest weight. Since the last time I posted a blog, I have put on 3 pounds, and have lost 2, so I'm actually back to where I started blogging! I really am hoping I lose the pound I need to be able to say I've lost 1 stone exactly!!! Wish me luck! Weighing in at - 12.10.

Saturday 6th October 2012
I'm so sorry for not posting about my weighing day last Monday...I only lost 1 pound, god damn it!!! I am praying I lose the 1 lb this week but then again, we visited the American sweet shop this morning and I purchased a lot of chocolate covered sweets, this may not have helped. Let's wait and see on Monday morning shall we?! x Wish me luck!

My 1st blog post!
I thought I'd tap in and share with you a little secret. My avaerage weight used to be about 10 stone. When I worked as a receptionist (sorry, I'm not too sure if I'm allowed to mention the place of work) I joined what I used to call 'Fatty's club' aka weight watchers, the reason being - I think I reached up to about 11stone. I set out a target weight of 9.13 and reached it a year later!!! and became a gold member! Since travelling, I gained a few stone and reached the heaviest I've ever been. I reached 13.9!!! We've been back over a year now and it just doesn't seem to be shifting, so I'm in the zone and ready to start dieting again! It's been a good few months now and I'm nearly at 12.9 which would be a total of 1 stone. I'm just 2 lbs away from getting to my 1st stone off!!! My weigh day is always on a Monday morning! When I wake up, I will always try and have a number 2...just to weight that little bit less lol and wont budge until it's done! Sorry to share that with you, but that's how determined I am! So, Monday - do you think I'll lose th 2 lbs I need to get to my 1st stone loss?!?!?!? To be continued.... (p.s wish me luck & please do share your weight loss stories) x (p.p.s I am trying to find photos to share with you too, just to make it a little more personal) x

Wednesday 20th August, 2014
HOLY COW!!! I bought a months membership with Curves off Groupon and attended last night for the first time since mid May and I have put on a whopping ONE STONE! I've gained like an inch and a half around most of my body parts including my boobs, belly arms and thighs!!! This is worst part though, the instructor explains to me that when losing weight you should aim to lose 1% of your body fat per month and I've put on 5% body fat!!! Which is mortifying!!! So, here's to the next mission of getting rid of that stone plus hopefully more for France to watch the surf competition in 6 weeks time!!! Oh, and I thought I'd share with you the horrific evidence. Please find a picture below :-s

Squeezing into my Laura Ashley dress...
Wednesday 4th June, 2014
Hello stranger, I know you are all probably thinking. I have had a lot going on over the past couple of months and have really missed my writing. I have actually started attending a 5-9 club at Welsh Ice, up on Van Road, Caerphilly. It started this evening, Im actually sitting in the cafe area as I type this blog out. It's a place where people can make use of the space and time to carry out projects that they don't get round to doing when at home. Those little projects that niggle at you when you think in the back of your head that you could be getting on with it, but never actually crack on with it. 

So, even though I have a lot to share with you all, I will start with what I got round to doing last night; I signed up to the gym for one month! I've had it in me for a while now to want to sprint for some reason?! Lol. The main reason for going to the gym though is to fit into a Laura Ashley dress that I purchased back last year for my brother in laws wedding, that's two sizes smaller!!! Lol. And the wedding is in 4 weeks time!!!

Before joining Slimming World back last July I lost 13 lbs on my own initiative, and since joining I have lost one stone. So all is good with the weight loss but now I feel I need to tone up, and working out might help to lose the bit of fat that I still need to get rid of to be able to fit into my dress. It's only my boobs that are a bit too big to feel comfortable in it, so fingers crossed. I will post a photo on here to show you the proof that I fit into it, here's hoping! Lol x

Colour Run, Fundraising for St. Davids Hospice...

Another aim for working out is to complete the 3 mile challenge that I will be doing with Grant, Jamie & Louisa a week Saturday!!! It's in Caerphilly so come and cheer us all on, you might even get to throw colour dust at us too!!! It takes place Saturday 14th June at 9am. Hope to see you all there!

Grant, Stacey and Lou Lou after
St David's Colour Run, with our fave Hapus Icecream :-)
Tuesday 2nd July 2013
VIP Guest Blogger...
I am so excited to be introducing you all to my hoola hoop and zumba instructor, Becky!

I'm proudly handing my Ladies who...exercise page over to Becky for a session where she will be sharing her experiences on the topic! Over to Becky...

Anyone can exercise!
I believe that no matter what age, size or ability, anyone can exercise and create a healthy life style. With the right balance of a healthy diet and the right exercise for each individual, results will show in no time.  No matter if you’re a gym fanatic or love a bit of dancing or just a fun giggle there’s something for everyone.  With all the local health clubs, leisure centres and community classes offering a wide range of options and facilities there is NO excuse.  Get fit and healthy for summer 2013. 

Becky doing what she does best! 
One of my classes which proves very popular is my Hoop Fit classes.  The ladies and gentlemen laugh all through the session as I ensure that the sessions are fun.  To take part you do not have to have any hooping experience, all will be explained and demonstrated in the sessions. The sessions are aimed to tone, trim, loose those inches and drop dress sizes.  20-30 minutes of constant hooping each day will keep those inches away.

For more information on my classes, please visit my Facebook page by searching; Rebecca Jones Dance Instructor

Rebecca Jones, RJ Dance and Fitness

Evening all, its Wednesday 14h November 2012.
Just at mums using her Internet to be able to post this newest post for you. Just dropping mum off after our weekly ritual of attending Zumba. A class we adore! It's so much fun and the teacher is thee most nicest and bubbliest person you will ever meet.

Have you ever tried Zumba? OMG - Becky also holds a HOOLA HOOP class before Zumba class...which is THEE BEST CLASS WE'VE EVER BEEN TO!!! Google your nearest hoola hooping class, and get yourself down to it asap!

Let us know how you get on if you ever do attend one! Stacey x