...cwtch up and watch films

The Theory of Everything...
Here's to my first Film post on Ladies who. And what a film to start with, other than the greatest Stephen Hawking's film!

Stacey's F Bomb Blog Posts...

Into the Storm...

50 Shades of Grey Countdown...

The Inbetweeners...

A Walk Among the TombstonesI haven't seen a thriller in the cinema in years, and I sure remembered why this evening!!! I squealed a few times and hid behind my jacket collar. It was scary, but such a good film. I wasn't sure if I was going to take to Dan Stevens' part when I first noticed it was him playing a part in the film, as he played such the opposite character to what he does in Downton Abbey, but he was brill, he made me believe that he was a bad ass. Not sure about the facial hair and the black hair though, but yeah, I was impressed with his acting skills.

As for Liam Neeson, god he's hot for a sixty three year old. His voice when he's negotiating a deal over the phone with a criminal is so cool. He's the voice of all negotiating phone calls. If anyone else played his part, it wouldn't be the same.

I loved the end part where they all get together to take the two men down. It was epic. Just make sure you take something to hide behind if you're like me when watching thrillers.

Catch up
I've missed a few weeks worth of writing about the films I've seen. I've actually missed it if I'm honest. I've been wanting to type to share with you what I thought on some of the films I've been to see, but have been busy writing content for a site I'm setting up for my husband's oak furniture business. After watching Liam Neeson's film last week, I've got back into it. So here's a little bit of a catch up.
Sex Tape; The story line was better than I expected it to be. I loved the fact that Cameron Diaz was a blogger!!! WOOP WOOP! I was quite chuffed. Wish I could land a deal for writing content like she did in the film. Ok, there was one part of the film that I will admit i wasn't impressed with one bit at all, and not that I like being negative when writing about a film but I feel quite strongly towards this subject; Cameron done a line of coke in the film! There I said it! I was livid actually. She has always been my idol, my fave actress, but I think I may just have to change that after seeing her doing that in the film. There must have been another scene they could have shot instead of her doing that to distract the guy from noticing her hubby was searching his house.

I soon forgot about that bad scene when Hank calls out to his dog; "Hakuna Matata!!!" That was it for me, I was off, couldn't stop laughing. UNTIL!!! One of the end scenes where they're sat up in bed watching their sex tape before trashing it and you see Cameron doing a somersault onto him. Oh my lord, I have never, and I promise you, I have never laughed so uncontrollably like I did when I saw that clip in all my life. She tried the somersault a few times and they showed it, I think it was genius. I came out of the cinema room and exited the building still laughing and had tears streaming down my face after seeing that. It was the best clip I've ever seen. I loved it!
Let's be cops
I loved watching Jake and Damon in this. I couldn't take my eyes off them. They are both so funny. I love them. I didn't care what happened in the film really, but it was fab. The scene where the big fat sumo wrestler fell on top of Damon and his private parts was all over his face; arghhhhhhh lol. It was fab! It got a little serious at one part too, I thought, I didn't sign up for this. I didn't pay money to see a thriller! But it turned out to be a great story line. A must see film if you want a good laugh and a bit of sitting on the edge of your seat.
Zak Efron...phwoah!!!
During the evenings Grant and I are always on the hunt for a new film to watch. As Grant never likes to watch a film twice?!?!? Yes, that's right...sadly, my DVD collection is collecting dust. I always love it when the surf is good, which means Grant goes out for the evening to the beach with his brothers and mother and I get the TV to myself to carefully select a film I can watch...for the 10th time!!!

Back to the Zak Efron sorry. For my birthday Grant bought me a few DVD's and to my surprise one had the delicious Zak Efron in called That Awkward Moment. My god he is scrumptious. It was kind of a man-flick actually, Grant laughed out loud at this one scene. It was hilarious!!! "Rock out, with my * out!" It was a real good watch, add it to your list of films to see if you're as addicted to films as I am...I have one on my phone for when we go to the cinema and see previews of films that look good.

I now have a collection of my fave Zak Efron films; That Awkeard Moment, The Lucky One, The Paperboy, Charlie St. Cloud and Neighbours.

I actually am excited to find out what he's going to be in next.

The Maze Runner;
Wow! I'm buzzing after watching that film. I was sat on the edge of my seat pretty much through the entire film. I get so uptight when watching anything that involves people attempting to run to make it through something that's closing on them. I just want to run for them. It was so tense. Not sure if any of you have watched LOST but the one part at the end reminded me of the scenes where they recorded video footage in LOST. 

The young girl Teresa reminded me of KRISTEN stewart. I actually had to google her to see if she was her sister, but she isn't. I couldn't take to Will Poulter's serious character as I'd seen him in the comedy film We're The Miller's. Plus I kept getting distracted by his eyebrows LOL.

I saw an advert on Reese Witherspoon's Instagram of her NEW film coming out called WILD. I instantly thought of one of my fave films Into The Wild so looked it up, watched the trailer and it's very similar. Can't wait to see it. I'm actually excited to hear the soundtrack to the film too as Grant and I are both addicted to Into The Wild's soundtrack by Eddie Vedder.

I haven't got kids, so didn't have the excuse of going for the kids to watch this film. Instead, I took my husbands Auntie who adores going to the cinema. It was the first time I have ever been to the cinema to a 10am showing on a Saturday morning.
But I tell you what, it was a delight! The advert sold it for me. Straight away, I knew I wanted to see it. The opening to the film was lush. It was a proper explorers film. The adventures Paddington got up to, he kind of reminded me of myself actually with the adventure that he went on and all the chaos he caused throughout the film LOL.
Myself and Sheila both smiled pretty much through the entire film. We laughed and nearly burst out in to tears too. But I wont go into that, don't want to spoil it for you if you haven't yet got yourself down to see it.
I'm not sure if any of you have much time off over the Christmas period, but I would highly recommend going to watch it, with the kids or without. It's a real sweet, polite, English feel good film. I even bought a hot chocolate too to drink, which finished off the perfect Saturday morning.

Merry Christmas Everyone!
Warmest wishes, from Stacey x
If you haven't seen it yet, get clicking on this link right away! http://www.vanityfair.com/vf-hollywood/2014/11/pitch-perfect-2-trailer
OMG, it looks so unbelievably amazing. I cannot wait to get tickets to go to see this! I'll be pushing my way to the front of the line for this one! I love it! They even sing the cup song, it sounds lush!
I'm going to listen to the soundtrack to the first film to get me pumped up. I want to watch the trailer over and over again.
The girls look fab and the lads look even hotter, I'm counting down the days til I'm at the front of the que to get in to watch this!
"Crushed it!" LOL x
I really don't know where to start with this post. Grant really wanted to go to the cinema on New Years Eve. So, as it was his 'Birthday weel' lol, I made his wish come true. I hadn't heard of this film, and when he mentioned that it was about the war, I wasn't too keen I will admit, but thought I'd go along with the flow and just go to see it. It was the last showing of the day, a 4.15 showing. And as I imagined everyone else getting ready to go out to a party, I was sat there watching what I feel was a very powerful film, based on a true story.
I won't lie, for the first time ever, I could have walked out of the showing. (Actually, the second time, as I nearly walked out of the film with Ryan Goslin in called Only God Forgives lol.) But, I honestly couldn't stomach witnessing the amount of life threatening situations this young man experienced.
If you have seen the film called 10 Years a Slave, I'd say you can handle Unbroken. I'm not sure if it was because I'd scoffed half a portion of Sweet Popcorn, some Crunchy M&M's, Nachos with Cheesy Dip & helped Grant drink an extra large coke, or if it was due to the film being so visual and so powerful, but I was honestly taken aback by it.
I'm glad I made it through to the end, as it was one of the most inspiring, moving film I have ever seen. The film is based on a true story by a gentleman named Louis Zamperini. He wrote a book based on his experiences during World War 2. Here's some information I found on it on Wikipedia;
The book, entitled Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption (2010) and published by Random House, was a #1 New York Times bestseller.[42][43] It was named the top nonfiction book of 2010 by Time Magazine.[44]
I wont say too much about the film as I'd hate to spoil it for you, but I honestly would highly recommend going to see it. I'm more spiritual than religious but the words at the end of the film really touched me. It said something along the lines of him not believing in getting revenge on his captors, but forgiveness. To me that is such an amazing thing to stand by after what he went through. These days, people stress, worry and make themselves ill over things that aren't really all that big of a deal, but when you see what this young man went through in the film, it will really put things into perspective and how we shouldn't sweat the small stuff!
I really hope that if you go to see this film after me saying about going, that you will feel the same way and appreciate it the way I do.

I HEART NASA! Oh my goodness, I love anything to do with space, so loved this film. Not sure if it was because I was grouchy from not getting enough sleep whilst being away at Butlins for the weekend or because I'm more aware of how things are in space after reading Chris Hadfield's book, An Astronaut's guide to life on Earth, but I wasn't really feeling the scenes when they were supposed to be floating about in space. I'm so sorry to sound so negative, as I always try to keep my posts positive, but this one, I just can't let it go. Thinking about it, I want to watch Gravity again after reading Chris' book just to be more aware of how Sandra Bullock and George Clooney acted out their floating in space.
I know this must sound so dorky to most of you. But whilst we are on the subject of space I thought I'd share with some of you space fans out there a real cool story. My cousin Chris works over in Kuwait at a school and he recently organised for the school to contact the International Space Station. Check out his Twitter feed @ChrisGreenfiel1
He is the reason I got into space, when I was younger he sent me a huge pack of Space Mission badge stickers and booklets on Space. I have not always had the brains for it, but I'm such a huge fan of NASA and anything to do with Space. I even have the International Space Station tracker on my phone to know when it's passing over Wales to go and watch it fly by.
Ok, enough of the nerd talk. Back to the film. It got really good towards the middle of the film, I was hooked. The book at the end was so fascinating. I love a good mind boggling film where it makes you think hard about what on earth is going on. Would highly recommend going to see this. I may have to go and watch it again though as at the beginning of the film something happened to the lighting on the screen so couldn't see the screen, which caused the audience to get a bit rowdy and they were all huffing and puffing. Then, to top it off, the young girl who worked in the cinema was stood by the door so that distracted me and you could hear her radio going off all the time. Not happy, that's possibly why I wasn't into it at the start, probably because I missed the most important part of the film!!!