
Monday 8th April
Where's my keys, where's my phone?!?
Ok, so those of you know me will by now be fully aware of the capabilities I have of losing things! The important belongings such as my mobile phone and keys! There have been a number of stories in the past about how I have lost keys in the sea, and being locked out of the car in the blistering sun and having to call my parents to come to the rescue by fetching the spare set of keys all the way down to Llangenith which was quite a drive away!

Anyway, it's the weekend, I've somehow misplaced my phone but it doesn't really matter as the contract has ended, so it's no use to me! But to top off the end of the weekend, we're having a lift of my parents, on our way home from a wonderful night out to see my cousin Christopher who's home from Kuwait.  Had a delicious all you can eat Chinese buffet at the red dragon centre, oriental garden down the bay. We're two minutes away from arriving home and grant asks me for his keys :-s I check all my pockets...I didn't have them on me! I could remember him handing them to me, I remember putting them in my pocket?! They must have fallen out at the restaurant! My dad pulls over, googles the number of the restaurant and calls to ask if they'd found them, but nothing! We called the red dragon centre security, and told them we'd make our way down, as the keys were vital to be found as they had grants work keys, home keys and car keys on! We arrived back down at the centre, searched the car park, the restaurant, the centre, but nothing! On our way back to the car grant says he'd try in the premier inn hotel on the corner just incase someone had handed them in. Walking down to the entrance to the hotel, I don't know what made me look down, but under my scarf was a small hidden pocket on my jacket, I opened it and peaked in...and to my relief and horror, they were there all along! I shouted out to grant I'd found them and explained where they were, he called me all the names under the sun. We got back to the car where I had to then break the news to my dad who had kindly driven all the way back down to find them, bless him! An hour later, we arrived home! x

Saturday 6th April 2013

Bus stops!
This is not a joke, this incident actually happened! Taking my lunch break at work, and decide to go out to get some fresh air, wandered over to morrisons to get some bits and bobs for dinner later on that day. With a carrier bag in each of my hands I start to make my way quite rapidly back to work. Walking past a bus stop, I see a guy sitting there on the bench and as I walk past him with a quite a speed, he instantly gets up from off the bench and bolts his hand out to get the attention of the bus driver and as he does this, wallops me in the side of my face!!! I yelp out as it really hurt, still walking I turn round at him and his response to the horrific incident was, "I beg your pardon miss." I got back to the office 2 minutes later and nearly burst into tears! My lip felt like it was bruised and swollen and the side of face was stinging! 

Going for a wisdom tooth out!
What a horrible experience! Now dont let me scare you off as its only the 'not knowing' that scared me. I wound myself up so much about it I cried whilst I sat there in the chair waiting for my anesthetic to kick in! They kept asking me if I was feeling any tingling in my lip which it wasnt. After the second lot, it just about kicked in and as they couldnt wait any longer they put the third in! Just feeling the needle gong in went through me. And thats all I could think about was what the hell am I going to feel when they pull the tooth out! I think the fear was thinking my gum, face and tongue was numb and that when they attempted to pull the tooth I'd feel it! But I was completely wrong, I couldn't feel a thing! It was the wierdist experience. I could hear everything they were saying and slightly saw tools they were using as my eye sort of opened. But literally it was fine! They talked me through it, telling me when they'd got the tooth out, what they were going to do next and they reassured me how well I was doing! They were fab bless them! Glad its all over now though! I ended up coming out with an eye patch on?!?!?! LOL it could only happen to me! They'd caught a nerve in my face that affected my eye, so I was unable to close it or blink properly! It was nothing serious, but it was worrying and at the same time, was hysterical x

Double trouble!
After having a wonderful lunch break that included a bowl of warm delicious tomato soup, I had to go and rinse my mouth with salty water and to my horror I look into the reflection in the mirror to find a soup stain on my double chin and a chocolate stain on my cheek from where I'd visited someone and they'd just eaten a chocolate biscuit and had kissed me on my cheek! What a horrid sight! I felt like a fat disgusting slob. And yet I still sit here with a box of leftover pizza and eating malteasers, smarties cakes, cookies and guylian shell chocolates I'd bought Grant for our 3rd year wedding anniversary! Will I ever know how to not eat all this crap?