...love Vintage

Always smiling after another successful 
shopping trip at the vintage fair!
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A New Year...
Sunday 1st February, 2015
A new year has begun and that can only mean one thing, a brand new year packed with fabulous vintage fairs!

Already we are at the end of January and I have already attended my first vintage fair of the year in the country’s capital, Cardiff and taken an unexpected trip to London’s infamous Brick Lane. The thought of wandering around the rails and tables displayed with handmade jewellery has been the only thing to get me through this dreaded month! But… what’s great is that we have managed to survive the month where we are all in mourning for the loss of festive celebrations and time off work spent with family and friends, and now is the time of New Year’s resolutions, the possibility of snow days, romantic surprises from loved ones and what I consider to be at the top of my list, the making of pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. So all is not at a complete loss! And here I am to put an even bigger smile on your face, a new diary of dates full of vintage fairs to brighten up a dull day.

Lou Lou’s vintage fair in Cardiff last Sunday was the first of many fairs I plan to attend this year and even though I thought it was very overcrowded, I suspected it would be a busy event as so many want to come during the beginning of the year and I still came away with a glamorous pair of sunnies in readiness for the sun I’m desperately hoping we will experience this year!

In February, I have arranged a girly weekend away to London to explore, sight see and wander round Brick Lane to pick up some vintage bargains! I may have gone for the day in January but this time, my aim is to explore all of what Brick Lane has to offer. Also, I organised and De-cluttered my wardrobe over the festive season to make way for my passion of vintage and vintage- inspired clothing. So, keep a watchful eye out for my next blog post where I hope to give you all the insider hints and tips of shopping for vintage in London! And if you can’t wait that long, Lou Lou will be hosting a vintage fair in Bristol (The Passenger Shed) next Saturday! And if you aren’t completely sold, it was at this fair where I met Dawn O’Porter. Definitely worth a gander!

Dawn O'Porter...
Tuesday 14th October, 2014
As I’m writing this, I have a batch of scones in the oven that I am watching… intensely, shall I say. I am putting my baking skills to the test and have the intention of baking something delicious every week. Last week, it was gooey chocolate brownies with walnuts for an added crunch and this week it is traditional scones. All of which, the recipes I have sourced from a vast range of baking books I was given from friends and family for my birthday. I have recently been hooked on watching one of my most favourite programmes ‘Great British Bake Off’ and have concluded that I too can bake great masterpieces like the fabulous Martha who featured on this series of baking heaven. Sixteen years of age and studying for her GCSEs, whilst also being under the immense pressure of baking moist sponge without a ‘soggy bottom’ for the infamous Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood. Sadly, she was not the winner but even so, she remains my inspiration and with this, I remain sat here writing this blog and keeping close inspection of these scones which do not appear to be rising as they apparently should be…  
Back to today’s events… my friend and I decided to go on one of our many adventures in search for vintage and jumped on the train to Bristol. Lou Lou’s Vintage Fair was at The Passenger Shed and we thought, after a busy week in work and a traumatic visit to the chiropodist for my friend, we deserved a fun morning, even if we didn’t come back with anything.
It was the first time I had been to The Passenger Shed and to my utter delight; it was a mere stone’s throw away as you exit the station! And I must say it was big! Fantastic stalls, welcoming people and what we were most interested in, delicious cakes. We both grabbed a chair and sat down to share a slice of red velvet and chocolate cake (we soon realised maybe we should have just shared a slice rather than two!) and as I fork another chunk of tasty goodness into my mouth, I look up and see, sat across from me, shovelling a chunk of scone in her mouth is none other than Dawn O’ Porter herself!! Completely put off my cake, heart racing, mouth dropped completely open for all to see the contents, I begin to stare. I then go on to repeat ‘That’s Dawn O’Porter! Oh my god! That’s her! That is bloody Dawn O’Porter! I cannot believe it! And no one is realising who she is!! Niki, Niki! Please tell me that’s her! I can’t tell without my glasses!!’ My friend then proceeds to tell me off for staring, closely followed by ‘and shut your mouth’…
I can safely say that I have never once been ‘star struck’ in my lifetime and at that moment, I was in complete shock that the woman who’s wardrobe I can only dream of and was only talking about to my friend as we glanced through the rails is sat opposite me eating cake!!!

Needless to say, I go over and speak to her and what is the first thing that comes out of my mouth as I speak to this legend- ‘Are you Dawn O’Porter?’ What was I thinking? And what would I have said if she has said no?! Anyway, she was nothing but lovely as I had imagined she would be and completely obliging to have a photo with me. I loved that she said she was embarrassed because she wasn’t wearing anything vintage. I don’t think I would have even noticed, I was stood next to Dawn O’Porter!
In conclusion, my day, my hell week, was well and truly made with this chance encounter with a woman who is equally as stunning as she is on television and a complete vintage icon! Feeding off my buzz, I ended up buying a huge frame with the phrase ‘curiouser and curiouser’ made out of quirky playing cards to add to my Alice in Wonderland collection and done so, with the biggest, giggliest smile on my face.
What a great day!
Sarah & Dawn
Bonjour vintage hunters...
Wednesday 27th August, 2014

Well, I guess I told a little fib the last time I wrote… This blog entry isn’t as speedy as I said it would be. I’d offer up my excuses but I’m as big a fan of the phrase ‘excuses, excuses’ as the next. However, I will say this, I’ve had the most phenomenal few weeks, vacationing to a lodge in England with friends and jaunting off on a city break to experience the wonders of Paris (and finally putting my GCSE in French to good use!)
I must admit, I’ve had a bit of writer’s block lately… My mind has been all consumed with thoughts of my new business venture- Nancy’s Vintage and the new collections I’m currently creating. But, saying that, I have taken on the role of Miss. Bradshaw herself and on top of that, I’ve restricted myself to a no chocolate or wine (maybe I should say Cosmopolitans in this case…) until I write and complete this blog entry. If you’re a woman reading this, you’ll be ever so acutely aware that this is a big incentive to get the job done. Writer’s block finally cleared, I have found the perfect thing I would like to talk about… Films or more specifically, the amazingly talented Bette Davies. 

I know what you’re thinking. Aren’t you supposed to be writing about vintage? More along the lines of vintage fashion?  I will always argue that vintage includes everything that is vintage meaning that it isn’t just the ever changing fashion trends we’ve experienced throughout the decades but domesticity, films, culture, music, everything!
I recently watched a 1940s black and white film featuring Bette Davies on recommendation from my mother. She claims it is by far, one of her most favourite films and after watching it, I can see why. The title of the film was Now Voyager. 

Bette Davies stars as the wall flower spinster Aunt Charlotte of the high powered Vale family. Governed by her over bearing and controlling mother, she has slowly faded into the back ground over the years, lost all self-confidence and is on the mere cusp of experiencing a mental breakdown. However, the film takes a turn for the better when the doctor is called and takes her away in order to help her gain a new perspective on life and herself. She’s encouraged to take her sister- in- law’s place on a cruise ship where she keeps herself to herself until she meets the handsome Jerry who befriends her. The two seek comfort in one another as they share interesting conversation and enjoy one another’s company. Charlotte starts to embrace life around Jerry and we start to see a new side to her. It all sounds like a fairy tale whirl wind romance until you are reminded that Jerry is in fact married with children. It’s clear that Jerry and Charlotte love each other deeply but cannot be together due to the vows he promised to keep to his wife. Things were very different back then you might say. The cruise ends and they go their separate ways but life throws them together again for other reasons proving that their love is meant to be.
It is fascinating to watch. I’ve always found it so wonderfully nostalgic to watch a film in black and white. When I sit down to watch one, I feel transported back to that time, in the forties, watching those film stars and feel in awe of them and inevitably, their life style. Let’s not forget, back then, they weren’t just actors, they were film stars and we idolised them. This particular film brought us the famous line ‘Let’s not ask for the moon, we have the stars.’ You can’t get more romantic than that! Another fascinating thing about this film and what captivated me throughout the duration of this feature was Davies and her amazing transformation. We are introduced to her as a timid wall flower where we then witness her full transformation into a glamorous and confident women dawning magnificent outfits and wearing the most fabulous pair of heels I have ever seen!

If you haven’t watched a black and white film already or are sceptical of how good they actually would be compared to the CGI effects and 3D films we are used to today. I would strongly recommend you try ‘Now Voyager’ as your first experiment. If you like the sound of fabulous fashion, true love, and transformations not only in appearance but in self-confidence and self-worth, then this is the film for you. Go on, give the classic black and white films a chance. They were great back then, they are just as great now. Go on, I dare you. 
Nancy's Vintage...
Tuesday 22nd July 2014
Hello lovely vintage lovers! Sorry it’s been a long time since I last wrote. I’ve had a very busy two weeks with work, family visiting and new ventures taking off! Since we last spoke, I have held a vintage jewellery party, made a vast array of jewellery pieces to sell at the party, attended a vintage fashion fair in Cardiff, all of which combined with going to work five times a week and spending time with family who were staying with us! (You see, I have been busy!)

I suppose I had better start off explaining the vintage jewellery party. Most people who know me, know that I like to be creative and love getting crafty. It started off with if I saw something I liked, a pair of earrings, a ring etc. I would sometimes think to myself, I could make that, and so I did. But turned out I wanted one in every colour so ended up ordering things online in bulk. Work colleagues and friends would ask where I got them from and when I said I had made them and that I had some made up already at home, it quickly grew into a little money making venture.

A personal hobby that has grown out of hand shall we say!! I enjoy the thrill of selling something that I have created and love to see them going to good homes. What’s more, jewellery then turned into keep sakes (I’m now known for my handmade ‘little boxes of happiness’) which has then in turn, led to myself and a (very supportive and encouraging) friend hosting a jewellery party. I’ve called my range of hand crafted pieces ‘Nancy’s Vintage’- named after my beautiful Nan. That was a no brainer! 

I think it was fair to say the party was a huge success and being the first one I hosted, I was not expecting it to go so well and have so many attend! They all enjoyed drinking out of my wide collection of vintage tea cups and saucers and eating cake made from recipes which have been handed down from generation to generation whilst listening to Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons! Nancy would have been proud!

I have broken up for the summer now and have six weeks off. I’m already getting twitchy fingers and apart from jaunts to sunny climates and ‘gay Paris’, I’m already thinking about what I’m going to do with my time off. Naturally, I almost immediately visited my local Hobby craft and stocked up on a bunch of items to start creating a new line of pieces to add to Nancy’s Vintage. Watch this space!

Last Sunday, Cardiff held a vintage fair in the City Hall situated next to the museum. They hold one every few months so if you missed it, fear not, there will be another one sooner than you think! 

My brother and his girlfriend were back from Denmark these past two weeks on a little holiday and Lo (his girlfriend) especially loves all that in vintage and shares the same appreciation for charity shops and car boot sales that I do! So it was a given that I would take her to the vintage fair whilst they were here and she loved it! We both made some fantastic money- saving purchases! I found a hand bag which I have been searching for and had no luck finding in charity shops and a dress. Lo treated herself to a hand crafted necklace made by a delightful woman who seemed very passionate about her pieces. All in all, a successful trip to the vintage fair and for some unknown reason, I only ever come away with two things. But it is always those two things which I absolutely love. The satchel I bought from the first ever vintage fair I attended has been worn every day since!

My tip for attending vintage fairs would be to not think of it as a place to stock up on lots of items. After all, you never known what you are going to find and in some cases, you may not find anything at all! 

I have to wrap this up for now, but I’m still feeling bad for having not written for so long. So to make it up to you, here is the date for the next local vintage fair-Bristol, The Passenger Shed on 6th September and it starts from 11am. Get there early to snap up all the best bargains! It’s the day after my birthday as well and I’m sure to be there bright and early, so keep an eye out for me!

Hope you have enjoyed this long awaited blog entry and look forward to the next, which I promise won’t be as long a wait as this was! Cheerio! Or shall I say, Au Revoir!  

This old thing... Friday 4th July 2014
Have you all been watching the new programme featuring on Channel 4 every Wednesday at 8pm? If you have, then well done you! (If it wasn’t for my mother, I wouldn’t have even known it was on.) And if you’re not really sure what I’m talking about, it’s a programme called This Old Thing, presented by the fabulous Dawn Porter and as you can already guess, it’s all about vintage clothes and accessory shopping. There have only been two episodes so far, so quick, get on to your demand and get viewing because the show is great!

I have really enjoyed watching the programme and Dawn, well, she only ever wears vintage and has been collecting pieces for over ten years and her wardrobe is just amazing. I also learned something from this week’s episode that I didn’t know before, before the fifties, polyester hadn’t even been invented yet! So there’s another little tip I want to share with you all, when you’re out vintage shopping, check the label!! If it says 100% polyester (or even made in Taiwan) it’s not as old as you think it is.
Another great perk gained from watching This Old Thing, you find out about some really good websites/ shops/ locations where you can start to delve into some vintage treasures. I can most definitely say that I have gone away from my viewing with a new list of websites that I have of course, immediately checked out to see if it was as good as predicted. Here’s what I’ve liked so far- Mint Vintage, Peekaboo Vintage, Mishka Vintage, Bang Bang Vintage and Lovely’s Vintage Emporium (Type the names into Google and away you go! I will warn you however, make sure you free up at least 2 hours, if you’re anything like me. Before you know it, your afternoon has gone!)
I know that Stacey would like to have a few comments written on some of the pages of this blog. Please write a comment if you can spare the time! I would love to hear your thoughts about my writing and especially about whether you took your rocking grandmothers or mothers out for a cheeky slice of Victoria sponge and what you found out!! 

Thanks for reading again fellow vintage lovers! Can’t wait to hear from you.

Friday 27th June
I’ve got a little confession to make… (she says guiltily)
So after my last blog, I said I was off to order the dress I had finally chosen for my work event. Well… if you are someone who knows me and what I am like when it comes to purchasing fashion items, you’ll know I’m annoyingly indecisive. I decided not to go with the dress as it was quite pricey and I did, what some would think of as the unspeakable… consulted my mother. Ladies, if there is anything I have learned over my 25 years, it is that your mother is always, always right. And since I have gotten so into shopping for vintage numbers and finding hidden gems in charity shops, I have never relied on my mother’s opinion more!

Starting to shop for retro outfits has got me asking my mother (aka my best friend, as brutally as she is sometimes but also my biggest fan) questions about what she used to wear and how she used to shop. Turns out, my mother was a trend setter and a pretty creative and talented women all round! (I must admit- the latter part I already knew!) She used to follow patterns and make her own clothes! From dresses to full blown ladies suits! Suits!! She even said that when she would make a suit in one colour and loved it, she would want it in other colours and would make duplicates of the same suit but in every single colour imaginable! (Except mustard yellow of course! That colour, for my mother, was the unmentionable) I can’t even sew properly, let alone make a suit to fit so I am, as always, in complete awe of my extremely talented mother! She still uses her sewing machine and can alter just about anything! She has also said that she’s going to give me a few sewing lessons and put me through my paces. That should be interesting… I’ll be sure to have the emergency services on speed dial for when I sew through a finger, or worse still… get blood on precious fabric! The horror!

Still, I wanted to dedicate this particular blog entry to my mother because, let’s face it, it’s mothers and grandmothers who were the fabulous ladies who have experienced those eras in fashion I know I so would have loved to have been in and have these incredible skills at hand which, for some reason, us modern day ladies do not! I blame my stuffy textiles and cookery teachers for not making it interesting enough! I think I already had the skills to make a fruit salad at the age of 15, pfft! Sadly, my nan passed away when I was younger and I would give anything to sit down with a cup of tea and cake and chat all about what life was like for her when she was my age and more importantly, about the amazing clothes!

Do me a favour this week? Go treat your grandmother, or indeed mother, to a pot of tea and slice of victoria sponge and bore her with question after question about what life was like when she was young and what fashions did she experience. If there is anything I can guarantee for certain is that after walking away from a conversation with your grandmother or mother, you will never be disappointed! What you will feel is that you couldn’t believe you have come this far without realising how rocking they were and still are!

(And on an end note, I went with two Hell Bunny skirts for my work event- my mother’s opinion! She thought, two outfits, suitable for more than just one occasion and for the same price! You see, wise woman!)

Enjoy your grannies and mother hens- they well and truly are fabulous, in life and fashion.  

Friday 20th June, 2014

Happy weekend to you all! My most favourite time of the week and just to add a cherry on top of the icing, the sun is shining and that inevitably brings a smile to everyone’s face! It can only mean one thing - trips to the beach, fish and chips and ice cream - heaven! Or in my case, myself and Stacey are visiting a Vintage Tea Room in Caerphilly this Saturday afternoon called The Front Room. We will be eating our body weight in cream cakes and scones whilst also compiling our own personal research as we both have a dream of opening up our own Tea Room one day. I am beyond excited to check it out!

I’m no longer a blogging virgin! This second blog makes us regular acquaintances...Hello fellow vintage lover!

My last blog was merely an introduction so now I can really start to talk to you all about Vintage. Since last week, I’ve been online frantically searching for a Vintage dress for a work event coming up in the next few weeks. 

First port of call was Amazon;

Tip 1. Hell Bunny, Lindy Bop, Voodoo Vixen (all of which have their own websites as well as being featured on amazon and even eBay) are fantastic for their selection of Vintage inspired dresses, petticoats, cardigans, skirts etc. If I could, I would have a dress in every style! I wore a Lindy Bop Tea Dress to a blessing I attended recently, it is such a comfortable and flattering dress! And (here’s a little secret - shhh) I bought it from a Vintage Fair for £15!! Half the price of what it is usually retailed at! Even today, I can still remember the thrill of finding such an amazing item on the crammed rail full of stunning Vintage dresses. I distinctly remember that it was meant to be, as it was the only dress in that style and it was my size exactly. No doubt about it, I had to have it! Which brings me on to my next tip.

Tip 2. Attend as many Vintage Fairs as you possibly can! I am an avid fair goer and will travel the distance to check out what wonders are hiding away for me to snag! I especially love Lou Lou’s Vintage Fair. They have a Facebook page and if you’re interested, I sincerely suggest you check it out! They are fab and they go everywhere around the UK!

Tip 3. If you are as nuts as I am about Vintage and are looking to find your next fix, you’ll do what I did - search online finding out where the next Vintage Fair is and when. Then, cram your phone diary with every available date of the next Vintage Fair. It’s becoming an addiction, I know!

Right-o! I’m off to order my gorgeous Vintage inspired dress. I finally made a decision.

Enjoy the weekend and remember the tips!

Get Vintafied!

Me in my Lindy Bop Tea Dress!

Friday 13th June, 2014
Hello ladies! So my name is Sarah and Stacey has asked me if I would like to start writing my own page on her blog. Of course, I immediately jumped at the opportunity!

I’ve never written a blog before so haven’t got the foggiest what I’m supposed to be doing! Nevertheless, here goes…

My page is going to be about my biggest passion...VINTAGE! Only recently would I say I’ve really allowed my love for vintage clothes and accessories to take over nearly every aspect of my life! And I’d like to take you back to the beginning.

When I was a teenager, I was ‘that’ girl who tried to find her own unique style and has gone through many varied and extremely unsuited transformations. I asked myself, was I the preppy chick? Should I be the one dressing like Sporty Spice rather than Baby? Was I the Goth girl? (That momentary lapse in judgement didn’t last very long at all! I learnt very early on that buckled boots, having a dress code of black only and singing along to the likes of Slipknot – singing being the term I use very loosely, more like screaming- were not my cup of tea!) Even so, I’ve tried to discover my identity and not try to be someone I’m not and follow the pack but just be me.

It was through all of these attempts and countless bags chocker block with a selection of equally disastrous outfits, I finally discovered it! It was starting to become cool to buy used clothes and visit charity shops (Which, by the way, I consider gold mines! Old and used crap to the untrained eye but once you get stuck in, the wonders you find are amazing! And even better, one of a kind!!) It was more sociably acceptable to wear your Nan’s pearls and clutch purse. This was it! This was VINTAGE and I loved it!

I’ve always had an interest in History and have been fascinated with how we have evolved over the years. I’ve always said that if I could have one thing, it would be to travel back in time to experience life in a different era. How life must have been like during the war when housewives would struggle to rustle up a decent meal for their families due to rationing and how creative they had to be. Just goes to show, us women have always been the same! Even in dark economic times, we can still thrive to push the limits and develop our own skills to adapt and evolve our wardrobes. From knitting to sewing, women have always been the innovators of how well this world has developed, especially in the fashion world.

Anyway, I’m excited to start this new blog and talk to you lovely ladies all about vintage and share what few secrets I’ve discovered so far on my fashion journey. I hope you’ll enjoy, this is the first time I’m writing for a blog and I can’t think of anything better to waffle on about.

Speak to you again soon! Toodles!