...check their breasts

Checking your breasts...
Thursday 18th September, 2014
Something that's been on my mind a lot lately as you hear about people being diagnosed with Cancer quite a lot these days, so wanted to talk about checking my boobs, it's something I have started doing on a regular basis, I feel quite strongly about doing so and want to share it with others. At first I felt I was getting a little too worried about it, and that I was checking them too much, but since reading the information on this site, I feel a little bit more at ease now and not so worried, and that it's OK to do.

I found this website that suggests a few things to look out for so thought I'd dedicate a page on this topic and share the link on this page to hopefully encourage others to start checking. One quote I love on their site is;

'Love & know your breasts!'

I think it's so important to do, and it's easy to start incorporating it into your daily routine. If you check out this site, they suggest how and when to do it so that you feel comfortable, please, check it out;