
The Twyn Community Centre on a Wednesday at 9.30am-11.30am.
It's £2 to come along and you get tea and coffee, biscuits or toast.

For more information call Stacey on; 07969734999
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Learning how to Crochet...
Sunday 29th March, 2015
Natasha Lewis of the Suter's Craft & Cuppa Club talks to me about her experience of learning how to crochet. Natasha started attending the club back on the 4th February with her grandmother Sheila. Natasha heard about the club through Community Connectors through word of mouth.

What did you think of you first time at the club? 
At first when I came here, I wasn’t sure, as I didn’t know how to crochet or anything, so didn’t know whether I was going to be able to pick it up, I've tried to learn how to knit in the past but I've never picked up the hang of it. I always thought crochet looked difficult, as you only use one hook instead of two. When Jackie showed me, it seemed so easy. I just started doing it! Sian from the club says, 'Natasha is naturally gifted.'

Tash & Sheila at Suter's Craft & Cuppa Club

What do you enjoy the most about the club? 
Because I was a carer for three members of my family, last year unfortunately my grandad passed away, I was so stressed with it, I never used to go out of the house. I'd only ever go out to take them to hospital appointments or shopping chores, but coming here its given me a break from the house. I've met new people, it was a welcoming and friendly environment, I knew I could just walk in to the club and get on with my crochet, chat and have a laugh! It's allowed me to get out and do the things I like to do, which is crafts.

Coming to Suter's Craft and Cuppa Club has given me the confidence to look for other groups to attend. If I hadn’t come to this club first, I don’t think I would have had the confidence to go along to any other clubs.

What do you like most about crocheting?
It always looked so complicated to me, but when Jackie showed me how to start off, I've picked it up so quickly. When I'm doing it, it’s a big stress reliever, when I'm stressed out, I can sit down with a cuppa and just crochet and take five minutes for myself and concentrate on what I'm doing. It takes my mind off other things. When I've completed a project like a blanket, I get a sense of accomplishment and achievement, as it's something I've made from scratch and its unique. I get so proud of myself because I've made something all by myself.

Tash's Granny Square Blanket

Whats your favorite thing to make?
The first thing I made was a hat for an adult, it was a powder pink. It was for a friend of mine, she wears it everywhere. It's such a nice feeling to know that I've made something for somebody and that they love it as much as you do. I’d say, the easiest thing I've made is the little granny squares to sew or crochet together. It's one I've had the sense of pride in, because it was the first big project I'd carried out. I can remember when I was sat there finishing it, casting off, with a huge smile on my face, as it looked so good! The blanket took me 32 hours to make, I spent one hour per day on it!

Tash x

Jackie's first Craft & Cuppa Club blog post...
Sunday 1st March, 2015
We sat down over a cuppa where I asked Thee Mamma, AKA Jackie Suter the following questions about Suter’s Craft & Cuppa Club;

What do you like about the club?
First of all, I would like to say a BIG thank you to Stacey, my daughter, who started the Craft & Cuppa Club, I wouldn't have met the people I now know. We've all become really good friends. 

Since the very first cuppa club I have got to see so many wonderful people come in and get on with their own crafts. I crochet myself, making baby blankets. I love watching it grow and get bigger in size, (the blanket that is LOL), and then completing each one and giving it to the individual person who has requested one.

I have been crocheting for at least 30 years. I was trying to think how long it has been exactly, when I remembered crocheting my two niece’s blankets when they were born, and they are now 30, and have even made their daughter’s and son’s blankets. Stacey and I both attempted to count how many blankets I have made over the years, and we counted 19. But I know there have been many more than that.

We all have a cuppa and a biscuit, and do our crafts, whether it’s knitting, crocheting or making cards. There are different ages who come along. I take magazines along for those who don’t do their own crafts, as sometimes people like to just come along to meet new people and have a chat.

What do you like seeing other people making at the club?
Val crochets lovely blankets, and Jean makes lovely cards. I have seen so many people make a variety of things. One person in particular crochets lovely handbags and another lady makes real cute booties for babies and little baby jackets, which are so cute. 

Throughout the month of March I’m going to be crocheting a yellow blanket to donate to the charity called Marie Curie, with the theme of Daffodils in mind.

If anyone is interested, please come along, everyone is welcome, and you’ll have a smile on arrival along with a cuppa and a biscuit. 

Hope to welcome you soon.

Jackie x

Thee Mamma, AKA Jackie Suter, (Stacey's mum) writes her 1st ever blog post...
Monday 9th February, 2015
COMING SOON, ON SUNDAY 1ST MARCH! You are not going to want to miss this! I've actually encouraged Thee Mamma to write about her crochet projects when at the Suter's Craft & Cuppa Club every Wednesday! Save the date in your diary Ladies! Not sure about you, but I cannot wait to read her craft stories, or should I say, Crochet stories. Be sure to Welcome her on board to the Ladies who... team girls xxx

Thee Mamma, AKA Jackie Suter (Stacey's mum)

The Never Ending Completition of our Granny Square Blanket...
Thursday 20th November, 2014...
This blanket has been a joint team effort by myself and Thee Mamma. It was started back in roughly 2012! I asked Mum to help me make a Granny Square blanket. But not just any normal Granny Square blanket, one with lots of mini squares with a variety of colours in that would be linked together. This would be such a challenge for us both. As Mum had only just taught me how to crochet and Mum only really knew how to crochet using one or two colours.

We measured up the size of a bed to work out how many squares we would need to make. It was something like 48!!! I asked mum to half it with me and that we would do 24 each. That never happened. I must have got round to only making roughly 10, if that. Bless Mum, she ended up making pretty much all the squares and left me to join them together. I found a video on You Tube, and I must admit, it is quite tricky, but one I'm into it, I go for it. Well, what I mean to say, is that when I get into it, it takes me about thirty minutes to attach one square to the next, and finding the time to just sit there and do a few is another thing. But it must now be roughly two years since we first set out to make this blanket.

I got it out the other night, as it has been sitting in my craft/reading/junk room upstairs, and every time I go in there, it's almost like it's calling me, 'Finish meeeeee!!!' LOL. So, I did get it out and I'm now just two squares away from completing it. I can hear the Chariots of Fire song playing in my mind. I will be posting photos on here when it's complete so keep an eye out.

If you would like to learn how to attach granny squares together, click on this link to watch the video I have been watching to learn how to do so; Video

If you have any photos of anything you have made, please send them in by emailing me at; stacey.suter@gmail.com

Happy Crocheting :-)

One of Mum's normal granny square blanket

Alfie getting a little too comfy
Me, looking busy LOL

Suter's Craft & Cuppa Club Member...
Wednesday 29th October, 2014
I've been so excited to introduce to you one of our wonderful craft ladies who attends our Craft & Cuppa Club every Wednesday at The Twyn Community Centre. So without further ado, here she is;

I am an occasional crafter, enjoys crosheting and knitting. I have been learning to croshet for one and a half years, progressing from granny square blankets to matinee coats and hats for babies. I find it relaxing when crocheting at home but I also enjoy the social aspect of belonging to a club.

Here a few of the pieces I have made;

Tunisian Crochet cushion cover

Pink & White baby cardigan using
granny squares around the edge

White hoodie with purple edge

Pink & Cream baby hat using granny squares

Cardigan, hat & boot set

Handmade Crafts...
1st November, 2012

Don't you just love handmade crafts?!?! My husbands auntie has always attended card making classes, so I decided to find out when and where the next one was for my mum to start attending them. We found one local to Caerphilly and mum now loves her crafts.

You can buy packs of craft items from the £1 shop. What we done was looked in the Christmas isle for gift tags, bought a pack of 24 gift tags which were so adorable...went out and bought a Christmas green card and have stuck the gift tags on the front - which may I say - they do look stunning! We are going to sell them at our Christmas fair to raise funds for CHAT Education - a social enterprise who help people with anxiety, depression and bipolar. (See ladies who...love organising events)

Have you been creative? Let us know your craft making ideas, plans and projects!!!


Tuesday 23rd July 2013
If you know someone who'd like somewhere to go during the week to meet with others, catch up with friends and have a chat over a cuppa and carry out a little bit of knitting or crosheting or any other craft, then send them to the Twyn Community Centre, where every Wednesday at 9.30am-11.30am I hold the CHAT Craft & Cuppa Club. CHAT are a social enterprise my mum and I volunteer for, they run workshops helping people to understand and cope with conditions including anxiety, depression & bipolar.
( www.chateducation.com )
It's £2 to come along which helps cover the cost of the rent of the room and refreshments. You get tea and coffee plus biscuits. For those who'd like to come but don't have a craft they do at present, we have two ladies who attend who provide materials for card making, scrap booking and jewellery making. So there is something for everyone. Hope to see you there!

 Thought I'd share with you all a little something I made a few minutes ago...

Jam jar with purple raffia wrapped
around the top in a bow with tea light inside!
How cute is this on my dining room table?!
(Pack of coloured raffia 99p from What!)
Granny Square Blanket
Monday 1st July, 2013
Don't ask me how long it has taken my mother and I to make this, as it's not even finished yet, LOL. My mother and I started this back in 2011. I requested that my mother help me croshet roughly 48 different squares and said I'd attach each of them as and when she completed the squares, but she is such a wiz at it I fell way behind. My mum makes large square baby blankets you see, so has way more experience than me. Two years later and I'm still plodding away, attempting to at least attach one per day, but things do get in the way. I have even tried taking it to my CHAT Craft & Cuppa Club that's held every Wednesday in The Twyn Community Centre, Caerphilly, from 09.30-11.30; to get some of it done but that's not enough time for me. I will complete it one day, finally and I will share my celebration with you. Hope you like it?! X

Mine & my mothers granny square blanket.

A baby nappy tower cake...
Sunday 23rd June, 2013
There's nothing better than spending a Sunday afternoon crafting with your hubby. We paid a visit to the local shops to gather the stuff we needed for our project. Got back to the house and over a coffee and a chocolate chip cookie, we created a master piece. A baby nappy tower cake. It's a gift for my wonderful cousin, as  you can see from the photos she's had a baby boy! Amie had been to her cousins baby shower and seen that someone had made her one. She said of how lush it was and said she'd love it if someone made her one for when she has her baby. So I decided to make her little dream come true. What do you think of our first attempt?!

Grant looking confident his idea of how to form the base is genius, bless him.

Me, attempting to hold it together as it grows in size.
Grant wrapping ribbon around the second tier of the nappy cake and sits the teddy bear in the middle.
Grant cutting out a card we bought to add a little decoration to the front of the master piece. 
Nearly finished.
Grant attempting to tie a bow using raffia. Now that was hysterical to have witnessed. Bless him! 

And some gift wrap to add the finishing touch. Tadah!
Break down of cost to make;
£6.99 pack of 45 pampers, £2.00 for raffia and wrap.
£0.00 teddy (had given to us off Grants sister)
£2.00 baby talc and lotion, £0.59 card for decoration.
Total £11.58.

Book shelf...
Friday 21st June, 2013
OK, so I think it's clear I've a lot of things around my home that I've revamped. I love it though, it's so much fun. Here's a book case my dad made back in his school days. I sanded this down, give it a lick if paint & now it homes all my favourite reads. Cute isn't it?

CHAT Sign...
Wednesday 19th June, 2013
I have been trying to get photos of everything I'm either planning on revamping or things I've started or even completed for you to see what work I've been getting up to and how easy it is to give something a new purpose in life. Here's a piece my wonderful and amazingly crafty sister in law created for my first ever CHAT fundraiser event. How lush is this?! and please do consider it took her an entire evening (I think?!) to cut out the letters of the thick board, bless her! And take note of the pretty material she used as the background for the lettering, it's just stunning! She used the frame which originally had a photo in it, but gave it a new purpose!

Saturday 15th June
Last weekend I spent two hours helping to clear out all last bits from Grants late bampis home. He possessed some of thee most adorable cups, plates, bowls, vases and loads of other various home contents. One item I made sure I brought back was this gorgeous stool. I visualised myself sanding it down, giving it a lick of paint and giving it a little tender loving care and a new home at my desk in my crafts room. Don't you just love the print on the seat?! I will post a photo once I've completed my planned project.

Wednesday 5th June
Had a fab evening last night at my sister in laws, the boys went out fishing so we had the entire evening to our selves to craft and get productive. We had a jam packed session. Emma got on with printing home made wedding save the dates and I used the printed card from the Homemakers magazine to cut out letters to make the words 'grow' for the garden, 'make' for the craft room and 'shoes' for Emma's shoe area, then cut out my stag stencil and drew the outline of it onto black material ready to make a pillow case. There were scrap bits of paper, stencils, scissors and envelopes all spread out over the dining room table a bit of nattering taking place, it was the perfect craft evening!

Fire place...
Monday 3rd June
OK, so I've decided to blog about a certain interest I have...Refurbishing furniture.

I absolutely love it, it's my new favourite thing to spend my spare time doing. I go into all the local charity shops at weekends and on my lunch hours. I keep my eyes peeled for any nice looking furniture that I can sand, paint and give a new purpose in my home. Some of my projects have seriously been cheap as chips. Take a look at the amazing fire surround. I got it from a charity shop for a tenner!!! These go for a few hundred pounds, so I'm well chuffed with my purchase! I'm going to sand it down and give it a touch of paint to make it look rustic. It will fit fab into my living room leaning up against the wall. It gives it that unique look. I will then put photo frames in the middle to give it its finishing touch.